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The Cyber Essentials certification provides a set of basic controls and best practices to help mitigate cyber-attacks.

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Cyber Essentials helps you protect against digital threats

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme to help protect UK businesses against the most common cyber threats. The Cyber Essentials certification provides a set of basic controls and best practices to help mitigate cyber-attacks. Genesis IT provide help and advice to ensure that your business remains compliant with the procedures laid out with Cyber Essentials.

Genesis IT will assess your business practices and processes to protect your networks against malicious cyber-attacks. We’ll ensure you are defended against common threats like malware, ransomware, and phishing.

Certified cyber security

Neglecting your cyber security protocols can have disastrous effects on your business, staff and customers. Even the most basic of attacks can leave you open to further assaults and mark you as a target for other cyber criminals.

Genesis IT are experts in providing the technical know-how and the advice to keep your business safe in an online world. We’ll evaluate your networks and business processes to ensure that your organisation complies with the best practices laid out by the government’s Cyber Essentials program.

Gaining the Cyber Essentials certification gives you the peace of mind that your defences protect you against the most common attacks.

Government-backed assurance

Many organisations are now looking to the government-backed scheme to give their existing and potential customers more confidence. The Cyber Essentials scheme looks at 5 key areas.

1 Firewalls and gateways – Protecting your boundaries can heighten your defences against unauthorised access to your systems and malicious cyber-attacks.

2 Secure configuration – Make your networks more secure by ensuring that your equipment is configured correctly, all unnecessary software is deleted, and security software is kept up to date.

3 User access control – To minimise the potential damage that could be done if an account is misused or stolen.

4 Virus and malware protection – There are various ways in which malware can find its way onto a computer. A user may open an infected email, browse a compromised website, or open an unknown file from removable storage media.

5 Keep devices and software up to date – No matter which phones, tablets, laptops, or computers your organisation is using, it’s important they are kept up to date at all times.

More about firewalls

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