Pegasus Opera Bespoke and Integration

Genesis IT has been developing solutions for Pegasus Opera for over 25 years for many clients across the UK.

Pegasus Opera Bespoke and Integration solutions

Our team has a long history of creating Pegasus Opera Bespoke and Integration solutions.

Genesis IT designs and deploys customisations and enhancements that meet your expectations and business requirements. As a business partner we have access to the Pegasus’ development tools, enabling us to create enhancements that integrate seamlessly, sharing the original software’s look and feel.

We have extensive experience working with both Opera 3 and Opera 3 SQL Server Edition.

An Economical Choice

Custom development can be a highly economical option. By tailoring Pegasus Opera to match your businesses unique workflow and processes, you gain efficiency, savings, and are able to leverage the lifespan of your software application as your business changes and grows. Switching costs are high, making bespoke development a cost effective alternative to the implementation of another software package.

  • Save time and reduce costs
  • Improve reliability, avoid mistakes and achieve consistent quality
  • Improve visibility and assessment of data
  • Reduce duplication of data
  • Better information flow and communication
  • Stay with your current software whilst being able to scale up

Need any help or just want to get in touch?

Contact our team now

Integrate with Third Party Applications

Many organisations utilise a number of business software applications in addition to their core accounting solution. Genesis Business Systems will work with you to design and develop integrations allowing data to be shared between your Pegasus application and other business solutions. The benefits include time and labour savings, improved accuracy, and better information flow across your organisation. Contact us today to discuss your requirements further.

Some examples of our previous work:

  • Custom reports for tracking key data
  • Restricting features to streamline processes and avoid users making mistakes
  • Import of Sales Orders from other sources such as an websites or spreadsheets
  • Import of Purchase Orders from Supplier EDI
  • Integration with eCommerce portal
  • Integration with custom mobile app for capturing Sales Orders out in the field
  • Integration with custom mobile app for assigning deliveries and capturing signatures
  • Integration with custom mobile app for recording CRM data and site visits
  • Utilisation of barcode scanning for quick order entry
  • And much more

Bespoke software developers in Hull

With nearly 40 years of experience in bespoke software development, Genesis IT have supplied off-the-shelf packages and customised business software solutions to businesses across the region. We’ll help increase your company’s capabilities through systems that enhance and promote productivity.

Providing your staff with easy-to-use systems will encourage smarter working that will benefit your business’s overall output. Genesis IT are trusted in the business community to provide trustworthy and hardworking business software solutions.

We’ll empower you with our years of IT know-how to boost your company’s performance. Get in touch with the team at Genesis IT to arrange an initial consultation.

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